Laser Testing
CivilLaser 750nm 1500mw Near IR laser source maintenance Report

CivilLaser 750nm 1500mw Near IR laser source maintenance Report
1. Customer returns bad 750nm product.
Civillaser got the returned laser.
2. Customer feedback reason for return.
An error occurred during customer operation, which caused the laser wire to be cut.
3. Fault detection and analysis.
With the disconnected wires connected, the laser still doesn’t work properly.
Test the laser power supply, and it worked well.
But the laser can’t work.
4.Dismantle the laser equipment and take out the laser diode. The test shows that the laser diode can work normally.
test again. At 2.3A, the LD power is> 1.5W, and the power is basically normal, which indicates that there is still a disconnection in other positions of the wire.
5. Cause analysis: The wire is disconnected due to improper customer operation, resulting in no laser output.
6. Solution: replace all wires.
7. Repair result: the laser can work normally.
The 750nm 1500mw laser source linkļ¼