Laser Video

1030nm~1070nm 40dBm 10W Yb-doped Fiber Amplifier

It is a 1030~1070nm Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier. The saturated output power is 40dBm @0dBm input. The 40dBm YDFA is a high-power amplifier, with an additional Monitor interface. The Monitor is used to monitor or synchronize signals with low power. And it has built-in cooling fan.

It supports two working modes of APC/ACC, and the two working modes can be switched by pressing the button. In APC working mode, the output power can be set. In ACC working mode, the working current can be set. Finally, press the middle square button to confirm.

The data sheet of YDFA-40-SM-B.

Optical Spectrum of Amplified 1064.18nm signal.

Output Power vs. Pump Current Curve.

Power stability test @10W, 0dBm input, APC mode.

Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier (YDFA) generates gain by pumping ytterbium-doped fiber with semiconductor laser and is used to amplify optical signals in the 1030~1080nm band. The output power is continuously adjustable and has the advantages of high gain and low noise. The desktop YDFA is convenient for experimental operation, and the user can adjust the pump current and output power through the panel buttons. A more compact modular YDFA is also provided to facilitate user system integration. Both desktop YDFA and modular YDFA can support PC software control and serial port command control.

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