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1010nm ~ 1080nm 20mW ASE Broadband Light Source Benchtop

Today, with the rapid development of optical technology, ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) broadband light source, as a high-performance light source device, is gradually showing its unique charm and broad application prospects in many fields. Especially in the wavelength range of 1010nm to 1080nm, ASE broadband light source has become an indispensable tool in scientific research, industry, communication and other fields with its unique technical characteristics and wide application value.

This is desktop type ASE Broadband light source, and you can also customize the module ASE. The wavelength range is 1010nm ~ 1080nm. It is equipped with single-mode fiber. The output power is about 20mW. The ASE output power in this band is fixed and cannot be adjusted, but other output powers can be customized.

In the field of fiber-optic communication, ASE broadband light source can be used in key technical links such as fiber-optic bidirectional transmission and Raman amplification. Its wide spectrum output and high power characteristics enable it to provide stable and high-quality optical signal transmission in long-distance fiber-optic communication, providing strong support for high-speed and large-capacity fiber-optic communication networks.

Fiber-optic sensing technology is one of the important branches of modern sensing technology. The application of ASE broadband light source in the field of fiber-optic sensing is mainly reflected in distributed fiber-optic sensing systems. Using the wide spectrum characteristics and high power output of ASE light source, real-time monitoring and measurement of various physical quantities along the optical fiber, such as temperature, stress, vibration, etc., can be achieved. This provides important technical support for industrial monitoring, safety monitoring and other fields.

In the field of life sciences, ASE broadband light source can be used for medical imaging, biological tissue spectral analysis and other applications. Its low coherence and low noise characteristics enable it to produce clear and accurate images and spectral information inside biological tissues, providing doctors with a strong basis for diagnosis. At the same time, ASE light source can also be used for spectral analysis of biological samples, helping researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the structure and function of biological molecules.

In the field of material research, ASE broadband light source can be used for the analysis and characterization of material spectral characteristics. By measuring the spectral characteristics of materials such as absorption, reflection and transmission at different wavelengths, we can gain a deep understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials, providing an important reference for the design and preparation of materials.

The parameter table and spectrum of 1μm ASE.

In summary, the 1010nm~1080nm ASE broadband light source has shown great potential and broad prospects in many fields with its unique technical characteristics and wide application value. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, it is believed that ASE broadband light sources will play a more important role in the future.

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