37dBm 5W High Power Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier Booster Amplifier Advanced LCD type
$8,938.00 $5,940.00
Save: 34% off
1532±1nm 8W Most Powerful Infrared Fiber Coupled Laser IR Laser Source
$14,714.00 $10,454.00
Save: 29% off
1532±1nm 4W Fiber Coupled Laser Most Powerful IR Laser With Power Supply
$7,536.00 $5,330.00
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1532±1nm 2W High Power IR Laser Fiber Coupled Laser Invisible Laser Beam
$3,948.00 $3,268.00
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1532nm±1nm 8W High power semiconductor laser with adjustable power supply
$14,355.00 $9,999.00
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1532nm±1nm 6W IR Laser Powerful Semiconductor Laser Coupled Fiber Customizable
$10,701.00 $6,925.00
Save: 35% off